PhD Requirements (Without MS)

PhD (Doctoral)    
  Semester Credit Hours
NSMS 510 - Chemistry & Physics at the Nanoscale Spring 3
NSMS 512 - Characterization Methods for Nanostructures         Fall 3
NSMS 518 - Synthesis of Nanostructures Fall 3
NSMS 519 - Advanced Micro & Nano Systems Engineering Spring 4
NSMS 550 - Social & Ethical Implications of Nanotechnology Fall 1
STEM elective    22
Seminar   3
Problems    9
Dissertation hours   18
TOTAL   66
* NOTE: STEM electives can be substituted for Seminar and Problems    

Qualifying exam

Examination of basic knowledge and technical fluency. Students present a short critique of an article from the scientific literature which is followed by a short proposal presentation based on the same article. This exam is taken by all students following their first full year in the NSME program (e.g., after taking NSME core courses).

Comprehensive exam

This examination serves as the candidacy exam and should be taken no later than Year 3. The student presents a proposal on their research topic in addition to a plan for carrying out specific tasks. The student must submit an announcement for this exam (see NSME coordinator for details) and convene an examination committee.

Application for candidacy

To be completed upon passing the comprehensive exam. Student will then enroll in NSMS 699 “Dissertation” until completion of the remaining degree requirements.

Appointment for Dissertation Committee

This form must be submitted to Graduate Studies (GS) no later than the first semester of enrollment in 699. The student must verify that all proposed committee members are approved for service on a thesis committee. A current list is posted on the GS website.

Proposed Graduation List

Notify the NSME coordinator by the last day of the term prior to the term intended to graduate.

Announcement of Dissertation Examination

Must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to dissertation defense examination date.

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