Outreach Events
- National NanoDays event: Interactive experiments for kids of all ages presented by the UNM graduate students in Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering and Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center at the 2014 Art of Systems Biology and Nanoscience event
- National NanoDays event: Atomic Force Microscopy demonstration with Dr. Stephen Jett: "Getting to the (very small) point: how to magnify surfaces with needles and mirrors", a national NanoDays event
- National NanoDays event: Kid-friendly nanotechnology exhibit at the 2013 Art of Systems Biology and Nanoscience event
- National NanoDays event: Interactive experiments for kids of all ages at the 2013 Art of Systems Biology and Nanoscience event presented by the UNM graduate students in Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering
- NISE Nanodays/Systems Imaging Symposium
- NISE Nanodays kits and demonstrations for kids of all ages coupled with an annual science flavored art show in Santa Fe and seminars
- USA Science Festival
- Classroom demonstrations & tours
- Continue partnering with Explora Science Museum
- Continue partnering with the Albuquerque Nuclear Museum
- Science Pub! (NEW)
- A new concept gathered at the recent NISE conference to bring science talks to the general public at a local bar
- Science Club (NEW)
- A club for local high school students to meet once a week at UNM to meet, be inspired by and interact with research labs
- UNM/SNL symposium
- NSMS Student Symposium
- Teach the teacher: Nano Education, Collaboration with Nuclear Museum
- Zoom into Science: Collaboration with Nuclear Museum (multiple events)
- Making Stuff: Collaboration with Nuclear Museum (multiple events)
- Native American Community Academy (NACA): Set up and weekly collaboration with highs school chemistry class
- NISE Net nanoscience conference on outreach by invitation
- NISE Nano Days/Systems Imaging Symposium
- Train the Trainer: Collaboration with Central New Mexico Community College and an NSF ATE Center, SCME
- Science Night: Bellhaven Elementary School
- Zoom into Science: Collaboration with Nuclear Museum (multiple events)
- Nano Camp!: Week long science camp, tours and daily themes
- CNTC Kickoff
- American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) overnight camp at UNM: Classroom visits and UNM Lab Tour, Kit Carson Elementary
- CHTM Lab Tour: Albuquerque High School
- NISE Net nanoscience conference on outreach by invitation
- New Mexico State Fair: Celebra La Ciencia Day